Gone are the lovesongs that only we knew.
Robbed by the cold wind that sings the night through.
Gone is the sweet love, tried but untrue,
It’s over, all over, and I miss you.
16 oktober 2005
Gone are the lovesongs that only we knew.
Robbed by the cold wind that sings the night through.
Gone is the sweet love, tried but untrue,
It’s over, all over, and I miss you.
‘Bloggen voor je bedrijf’
Locatie: Eindhoven
Datum: 7 augustus
Duur: hele dag
Vrij: nog 2 plekken
‘Bloggen voor je bedrijf’
Datum: 18 september
Locatie: Eindhoven
Duur: hele dag
Vrij: VOL!!
Meer informatie >>
Touchy 🙂